Acupuncture Points In Tamil Pdf Downloadl
The Marmas of the Indian system should not be confused with Chinese acupuncture points. Yet many parallels can be found within the two systems. In a similar vein to the Nadis, the subtle energy channels to be found within the body, of the 108 marmas, 12 are said to be of vital importance, while the remaining 96 have a supporting function in relation to the 12. The twelve vital centers are situated between the center of the perineal floor (Yonisthana) and the crown of the head (Adhipati), and they include the seven Chakras.
The introduction covers safety of treatment, including pointselection and contraindicated points of pregnancy. Needle techniques, the useof moxa and positions for treatment are all covered. In the margin, boxes areused to pick out the main points and alert the practitioner who may beglancing through the book in a hurry while the patient is sitting in front ofhim or her! Debra also uses this system to highlight the main acupuncturepoints used for different conditions.
There are 24 chapters devoted to treatment of various conditionsincluding nausea and vomiting through to labour and postnatal problems. Thechapter which reviews some of the research into the application ofacupuncture in pregnancy only includes seven studies, reflecting therelatively low number published to date in this field but Debra does discussthem in some detail and where possible has included some detail of thetreatment method. The last chapter covers dietary advice during and afterpregnancy. There are several appendices, which will be useful for both thenon-medical practitioner and the medical acupuncturist. They includeantenatal tests as well as location and needling of acupuncture points usedin the text with a point location index at the end. There is a Westernmedicine glossary and a Chinese medicine glossary. 2b1af7f3a8