Advanced Accounting Multiple Choice Questions And Answers Pdf PATCHED
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Tests are given to assure the selection of the best-qualified people for City-Parish jobs. As an applicant, you deserve a fair chance to compete equally with others. The purpose of a test is to measure the differences between applicants in the knowledge and skills needed for a job. Most of our test questions are in a multiple-choice or true/false format. Test questions vary depending on what is appropriate for the particular classification(s). Just to name a few, tests may include subject areas such as reading comprehension, mathematics, spelling, customer service, filing, etc. A list of the Subject Areas Included on Examinations (PDF) is also available for reference. The City-Parish uses written exams for many entry-level jobs and we hope this pamphlet will help you face the prospect of taking such a test. View Examination Preparation Tips (PDF).
Do not assume that you know what a question is going to ask after reading the first few words. Read ALL the possible answers in multiple-choice questions, and pick the best of the several choices. Consider each question separately. The answer to anyone question is not intended to help you answer any other. Look for keywords. Often words such as always, best, except, generally, least, none, and some provide valuable clues to the correct answer. 2b1af7f3a8