Arabic Script For After Effects Free 12 BETTER
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This is a website that converts arabic font to fit after effects and photoshop simply copy the text you want to convert in arabic paste it there and click convert n copy to clipboard and it will flip the text to fit there n paste in after effects or photoshop and ur good to go
If you have a site using an arabic font and your client can not read it correctly, create a three page site with the login area on the left and the text on the righ. On the other two pages you will have a floating text box. Fill that in with the words they need to see. (use the land line sized text. If you are me, I use a whole lot of copy and paste to get all the text. Dont key the text. Just copy then cut. Paste. Could fill in the space to the right of it with blanks.
i tried copying it from word to phothop then exporting the pixels as a PNG but when i take that into after effects i still get white around the text, plus i dont want to export the text as a picture because i cant work with its charectors and animate it in after effects and its not anti aliad, what should i do, i mean ive seen it done before u guys have any clue?
ok i have my PC set up so that i can type arabic on it, when i type the arabic in word in comes out fine, i take taht same text and copy and paste it into after effects and the text comes out backwards (because arabic is right to left and english is left to right) d2c66b5586