Azov Films Sun And Sand Part 1l
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\"One thing that distinguishes men from other living creatures is that only men make films about other living creatures, and perhaps one of the most famous and interesting of these film makers is the species known as David Attenborough. Somewhat shy and not always easy to film in his natural habitat, we're lucky here to see the David Attenborough at work on his latest and greatest project, The Living Planet. His mission: to search out and photograph everything from volcanoes to jellyfish to explain how the Earth works. Now, for this, his habitat is totally useless. In London where he lives, in Bristol where he works, there are no volcanoes and no jellyfish, so he has to travel thousands of miles to search out his prey. Now, for this he has the necessary boundless curiosity and endless energy. What he doesn't have is the vast quantity of money and expertise that only the BBC can offer. He enjoys this rather strange, symbiotic relationship with the BBC, an odd and apparently friendly organism, whose workings we do not yet fully understand...\"
A new center has been established on campus to help researchers probe the structure of biological molecules. Housed in the basement of the Shriram Center, the Macromolecular Structure Knowledge Center contains equipment and resources for producing and crystallizing biological molecules. [11] When cryoEM images are obtained from protein nanocrystals the images themselves can appear to be devoid of any contrast. A group of scientists from the Netherlands have now demonstrated that lattice information can be revealed and enhanced by a specialized filter. [10] There is also connection between statistical physics and evolutionary biology, since the arrow of time is working in the biological evolution also. From the standpoint of physics, there is one essential difference between living things and inanimate clumps of carbon atoms: The former tend to be much better at capturing energy from their environment and dissipating that energy as heat. [8] This paper contains the review of quantum entanglement investigations in living systems, and in the quantum mechanically modeled photoactive prebiotic kernel systems. [7] The human body is a constant flux of thousands of chemical/biological interactions and processes connecting molecules, cells, organs, and fluids, throughout the brain, body, and nervous system. Up until recently it was thought that all these interactions operated in a linear sequence, passing on information much like a runner passing the baton to the next runner. However, the latest findings in quantum biology and biophysics have discovered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of coherence within all living systems. The accelerating electrons explain not only the Maxwell Equations and the Special Relativity, but the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation, the Wave-Particle Duality and the electron's spin also, building the Bridge between the Classical and Quantum Theories. The Planck Distribution Law of the electromagnetic oscillators explains the electron/proton mass rate and the Weak and Strong Interactions by the diffraction patterns. The Weak Interaction changes the diffraction patterns by moving the electric charge from one side to the other side of the diffraction pattern, which violates the CP and Time reversal symmetry. The diffraction patterns and the locality of the self-maintaining electromagnetic potential explains also the Quantum Entanglement, giving it as a natural part of the Relativistic Quantum Theory and making possible to understand the Quantum Biology. Category: Physics of Biology
Aranmula mirror is a typical speculum metal mirror, cast and polished according to traditional techniques from Kerala in Southern India. We report our experimental investigations on detailed elemental chemical compositions, chemical surface structure, surface morphology, thermal stability, and optical reflectance of Aranmula metal mirror. The results of EDS based elemental chemical composition studies at the reflecting surface of cast, thin film coated and powder form of mirror samples have revealed the use of Arsenic (As), Silver (Ag), Gold (Au), Iron (Fe), Phosphorous (P), Sulphur (S) and Zinc (Zn) as minor constituents in Aranmula mirror making. The detailed surface structure and morphology of the mirror sample is studied for the first time using XRD and AFM. The Combined use of EDS, AFM and XRD analysis of the mirror samples reveal the presence of a transparent, non-metallic, corrosion resistant, smooth, nano structured thin film layer mainly consisting of a tin enriched delta phase (Cu_31 Sn_8) on the mirror surface, which is amorphous in nature. It also suggests that Aranmula metal mirror contains nano-particles that are considered to be quasi-crystalline in nature. We could prepare thin films of cast Aranmula mirror material with significantly higher optical reflectance for the first time. The average optical reflectance of the cast Aranmula mirror sample in the visible region is found to increase by 10 % when it is prepared in the form of thin film. Category: Condensed Matter
The motion of the mathematical extra-terrestrial pendulum is considered in the sphericalgravitational field. The potential energy of the pendulum bob is approximated by the linearterm mgh and additional quadratical term in h, where h is height of the pendulum bob overthe reference point. The nonlinear equation of motion of pendulum is solved by the Landau-Migdal method to obtain the frequency of motion and the swing amplitude. While theFoucault pendulum bob moves over the sand surface, our pendulum bob moves in ionosphere.It is not excluded that the pendulum project will be the integral part of the NASA cosmicalphysics. Category: Classical Physics
Iron selenide films peppered with potassium atoms exhibit a high-temperature superconducting phase that emerges separately from a low-temperature superconducting phase. [31] A research team led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Argonne National Laboratory has discovered that only half the atoms in some iron-based superconductors are magnetic, providing a conclusive demonstration of the wave-like properties of metallic magnetism in these materials. [30] Researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) in Switzerland and the Technical University Munich in Germany have lifted the veil on the electronic characteristics of high-temperature superconductors. Their research, published in Nature Communications, shows that the electronic densities measured in these superconductors are a combination of two separate effects. As a result, they propose a new model that suggests the existence of two coexisting states rather than competing ones postulated for the past thirty years, a small revolution in the world of superconductivity. [29] A team led by scientists at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory combined powerful magnetic pulses with some of the brightest X-rays on the planet to discover a surprising 3-D arrangement of a material's electrons that appears closely linked to a mysterious phenomenon known as high-temperature superconductivity. [28] Advanced x-ray technique reveals surprising quantum excitations that persist through materials with or without superconductivity. [27] This paper explains the magnetic effect of the superconductive current from the observed effects of the accelerating electrons, causing naturally the experienced changes of the electric field potential along the electric wire. The accelerating electrons explain not only the Maxwell Equations and the Special Relativity, but the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation, the wave particle duality and the electron's spin also, building the bridge between the Classical and Quantum Theories. The changing acceleration of the electrons explains the created negative electric field of the magnetic induction, the Higgs Field, the changing Relativistic Mass and the Gravitational Force, giving a Unified Theory of the physical forces. Taking into account the Planck Distribution Law of the electromagnetic oscillators also, we can explain the electron/proton mass rate and the Weak and Strong Interactions. Since the superconductivity is basically a quantum mechanical phenomenon and some entangled particles give this opportunity to specific matters, like Cooper Pairs or other entanglements, as strongly correlated materials and Exciton-mediated electron pairing, we can say that the secret of superconductivity is the quantum entanglement. Category: Condensed Matter
In a previous paper of this author [1], I introduced a novel way oflooking at and extending at quantum field theory to a general curvedspacetime satisfying mild geodesic conditions. The aim of this paper isto further extend the theory and clarify the construction from a physicalpoint of view; in particular, we will study the example of a single particlepropagating in a general external potential from two different points ofview. The reason why we do this is mainly historical given that theinteracting theory is after all well defined by means of interaction verticesand the Feynman propagator and therefore also applicable to this rangeof circumstances. However, it is always a pleasure to study the samequestion from different points of view and that is the aim of this paper. Category: Quantum Physics 153554b96e