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Besides, environmental learning has a clear area of study. It mainly covers the environment, science, technology, society, and politics. However, environmental engineering is more comprehensive. It not only covers the environment, but also social and cultural issues. Therefore, environmental learning and environmental engineering are not merely the study of environmental issues, but also the study of the relationships among the natural sciences, technology, social and cultural issues.
Based on the above topics, environmental learning and environmental engineering are both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields. However, these two fields can be distinguished by the following:
The majority of environmental learning subjects are integrated within the environmental engineering department and mainly focus on the effect of engineering and technological development on the environment. The best example is the environmental improvement project, which is mainly carried out by the department of environmental engineering. The scope of environmental engineering is not only scientific, but also involves social and cultural aspects. Environmental learning is not limited to the natural sciences. It covers various fields such as the humanities. In fact, the study of the environmental impact is the foundation of environmental learning in general. Besides, humanities are also always closely related to the environment, and environmental study and research are an important part of humanities.
Environmental engineering is responsible for the science of improving the environment, while environmental learning is concerned with the analysis and resolution of environmental issues. Environmental engineering focuses on the design of technology and engineering solutions, while environmental learning focuses on the situation of the environment, policy analysis, and the formation of policies and public awareness. These two fields are mutually complementary. What's more, environmental education is also a major part of environmental learning and engineering.
Many environmental problems are involved in the natural sciences. However, in the environmental field, dealing with people-related problems has priority. Therefore, the development of environmental learning is a process of gaining more knowledge about and understanding the people's attitude towards the environment. This is the main reason why environment education is closely related to humanities such as psychology, economics, philosophy, and political science.
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