Cheat Cs 1.6 Core.dll 13
For now, we can place cheat codes into two categories; one would be unlocked, and the other would be completely locked down. The steps to unlock these can vary, but the general idea is quite easy. Some codes will simply need to be enabled, while others will need a specific cheat application to be invoked (a.k.a. Running the game and pressing one of the hotkeys of that cheat and then pressing the Confirmed button). A good way to decide which cheat codes you need to unlock would be to run the cheat code and check the screen to see if your character's health / money offset is back to normal. There could be more to this that I am currently not aware of, but this should give you a good base of knowledge to work from.
Before even getting into the actual cheating, you will need to download and install a Hacks Mod Manager (Like BGModMGR in intro, lol) called Fraps. Do not get confused with this, as it is only necessary in order to gather cheating information through the game's built in system. Fraps is a program that records your gameplay and has a separate window to view it's information. Then you can manually research files to find cheat codes. 7211a4ac4a