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Our room is still a work in progress, but be sure to check back for progress updates. In the mean time, if you’re interested in sharing your vision for the future of the museum and the plan for the room, please email us at with the subject line “Room Survey”.
With the advance of the 2021 programming schedule, we're opening the invitation to offer you, our loyal summer community better programming this year. For this quarter, we're looking for content creators who have something fun, interesting and memorable to do with your family and friends. In addition to the 2019 programming schedule, we're hosting a contest, prize package, and call for artists. If you would like to offer your services for a FREE trip to the museum this summer, registration begins soon. Check back here for more info!
The museum is offering interesting, educational, and fun programs at the Stone House beginning Tuesday, September 3. For a full schedule of these year-round events, as well as a full catalog of programming and tickets on our website, go to
The Cattaraugus County Museum's Board of Directors has made every effort to add as much as possible to our website. We endeavor to include as much information as possible in keeping with article 9 of New York State Public Health Law ("Limitation on Liability for Information, Communications, and Records:... d2c66b5586