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The photodetachment spectrum of the lowest-energy Mg(2+)(H)(n)Mg(n) (n = 0-4) clusters is computed and compared to experimental data obtained using time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The calculations show that the clusters react with low-energy electrons in the spectrometer as predicted for stable Mg clusters but with large kinetic energy release. The weakly bound ground-state complexes, however, are not stable enough to release the excess energy, and dissociation occurs in the spectrometer as a highly delayed process. This result is explained by two-body fission being the dominant reaction mechanism of the excited complexes in the time-of-flight spectrometer.require "lib/securerandom/number"
require "forwardable"
module ElasticSearch
module KibanaUtils
extend Forwardable
def_delegators :@elasticsearch, :block_request_exception,
:raise_failure_exception, :log_metric,
:elasticsearch, :ensure_index_exists, :search_index_exists, :reindex
def initialize
@settings = Setting.new(nil)
def index_exists?
@index_exists_fn = ->(index) {
raise_failure_exception "Index '#{index}' does not exist" unless index_exists_index?(index)
@index_exists_fn.call(@settings.index_ 0b46394aab