Environmental Engineering Fundamentals Sustainability Design Solutions Manual [HOT]
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3424: COMMUNICATION IN ENGINEERINGThis course is designed to provide the fundamentals ofeffective and effective written communication for engineeringdesign professionals. Students will learn the elements of aneffective written document including clear and concise presentation,appropriate use of language and vocabulary, and the proper use offormatting and presentation mediums. We will discuss draftingand style for various media, including web and mechanical drawings,manuscript, and technical reports. We will also analyze themain features of the engineering drawings and technicalreports to understand how they are drafted and presented, and willmake efforts to improve our own drafting abilities. Othermajor aspects of effective communication will include clear andeffective use of diagrams, illustrations, and tables. The coursewill also introduce the major typographic conventions used inengineering documents and the proper use of these conventions.Prerequisite: 3524, or 3104, or 3104A.
4204: ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENTSustainable development of natural and engineered systems.Application of engineering concepts in the management ofnatural and engineered systems. Design of structures,processes, and systems to function efficiently and safely.Application of the engineering sciences, and the useof natural and engineered systems to protect theenvironment. Application of fundamental designprinciples and methods in the evaluation of environmentalquality and economic effects on proposed land usesand projects. Includes site assessment anddesign. Pre-requisite: CEE 3104 or GEOS 3114.(3H,3C)4414: ELLIOTT-LINDGREN PROGRAMME FORSCIENCE AND POLICYScience, technology, and engineering are the core ofthe world’s economy, and not just a domesticindustry. America’s leadership depends upon a robustinternational leadership in technology andinnovation. This is also true in the Caribbean. TheUnited States will be the primary customer forthe regional economy, so the ability to attractinvestment, including foreign direct investment,in the region depends on the region’seconomic strength and innovation. Students willparticipate in a series of courses designed toprovide the required background in science,technology, and engineering for what it takes tobe an informed and effective internationalpolitical leader. The programme will give students theopportunity to explore the role of science,technology, and engineering in international policymaking, the state of the environment in the Caribbean region, and theways that governments have responded to environmentalstresses. The programme will also provide studentswith an opportunity to develop a critical analysisand understanding of both the policy and practicalaspects of science, technology, and engineering.Elliott and Lindgren Programme-National Science Foundation.Pre: ENGR 3104 or GEOS 3114 or ENSC 3114. Year 3. A grade of C-or better required in prerequisites. (3H,3L,3C) 827ec27edc