Fundamentals Of Metal Cutting And Machine Tools Pdf Free [CRACKED]
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There are several types of lathes available. Lathes can be described as either cross-slide or straight-slide lathes. A straight-slide lathe has a spindle that cuts only in one direction. A cross-slide lathe has a head that can rotate on a vertical axis and a spindle that can cut in all directions. Hand-held machines (also called portable lathes) are used for small jobs and do not have a power source. Lathes with a turning axis that aligns the machine in the shape of a right angle are called lathes with a vertical turning axis. The vertical turning axis allows the machine to be more compact and to cut more material at a given time.
The mechanics of a lathe may be described as the headstock, tailstock, bed and spindle, tool rest and carriage, tool carriage, and toolholder. Typically, the headstock is the power arm that turns the spindle; the tailstock is the base of the arm and may be stationary or move. The work piece is placed on the bed of the lathe and the lathe headstock is turned in the plane that the tool rest and tool carriage intersect. The spindle is supported in the headstock and is driven by a belt and pulleys that connect the driving motor, mounted in the tailstock, to the spindle. The tool carriage and tool rest can be moved by hand or automatically by a combination of mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, or electrical actuation.
If one considers the machining of a part out of a solid piece of stock material, a lathe is clearly a machine tool, as are shapers. If one considers the machining of a workpiece from a blank stock material, again a lathe is a machine tool, as is a milling machine.
An electromagnetic induction machine is a machine tool that is capable of cutting both metal and other hard materials such as stone, glass, and ceramics by using a controlled electromagnetic field.
An electrical discharge machine is a machine tool that is capable of cutting both metal and other hard materials such as stone, glass, and ceramics by using a controlled electric discharge of the material.
An electrical discharge grinding machine is a machine tool that is capable of cutting both metal and other hard materials such as stone, glass, and ceramics by using a controlled electrical discharge of the material.
An electric shaper is a machine tool that is capable of cutting metal and other hard materials such as stone, glass, and ceramics by using a controlled electric discharge of the material.
In contrast to metal removal, the operation of metal deposition is generally considered more complex and less predictable, and is usually performed with CNC. CNC is a process of making precision-machined products from a CAD drawing, using a computer. The CAD is used to generate a set of instructions for a CNC machine, and the machine then performs the desired shape-changing operation. The toolpath is generated by a CNC machine tool, and then the controlled cutting and machining of the material is performed by the CNC. 827ec27edc