Halo 3 Custom Edition MP And SP Version Download PATCHED
DOWNLOAD ->>> https://blltly.com/2ta1a3
If you're looking for a more real Halo experience, we suggest you give Cursed Halo a go. You won't be disappointed. If you're looking for more information on the mod, click here. Mod Author: oomnine Mod Site: http://www.omnine.com Mods Website: http://www.hellomine.com
Cursed Halo has been brought to you by TheCodingMonkeys.org. To join us, type /join CursedHalo in game. If you're new to text chat, type /help and see the full list of commands. If you're in the middle of a Halo CE match and want to join, just type /join CursedHalo so you don't interrupt your game.
*When the mod file loads, you should see the option to update to Cursed Halo. When you have the option to update to Cursed Halo, click on this option. Download will start and progress will be shown in the lower right corner of the screen.
Features:1. New Content:All new content:1.1 - All maps removed, done with the new map-making tools.3.2 - All vehicles, added new textures. 1.2 - All animations and models are re-textured.3.3 - All characters models. 1.3 - Fixed bugs in gameplay (like new weapons, units, etc).1.4 - Added new weapons, grenades, new armor, etc...1.5 - Restore vehicle ammo (e.g. Custom Pipes and Smart).1.5.1 - All vehicles restored to their old levels of ammo.1.6 - All units restored to their old ammo levels. (i.e. Cobra restored to full ammo).1.7 - All characters restored to their old ammo levels. (e.g. Custom Char restored to full ammo).1.8 - Added new armor, shields, backpacks, etc...1.9 - Added new vehicle/unit animation, all of them are custom done.1.10 - New AI.1.11 - Added new sound effects, music, etc... of this mod.1.12 - New magazine effect.1.13 - All maps are now textured.1.14 - All animations are now textured.1.15 - No more server lag.1.16 - All weapons, vehicles, units restored back to the original levels of ammo.1.17 - A lot of bugs fixed.1.18 - A lot of game-breaking bugs fixed.1.19 - All textured models and assets.1.2 - All doors removed, not compatible with Halo 4 and 1.101.20 - Done with this mod.Thanks all who helped me with this MOD, 827ec27edc