Histopathological Techniques Bruce Gregorios Pdf Download
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For instance, with the parasitoids, they are a major contributor to their host's population. Dumping more pathogens and parasites would be an easy disease management technique, but these methods lead to problems like drug resistance, physiological imbalances for the poor host, and environmental pollution. Co-existence with the host's microbiota might be essential for good health. Parasitoids that reduce the pathogen load in the host's tissues to a minimum, or if coexistence is detrimental for the host, switching the parasitoid's role from parasite to the pathogen's offensive partner is a good strategy. To study the evolution of social parasitism, some parasites, especially those that are not easily cultured in the lab, are more amenable to study in the field. Here, we focus on social parasitism in two species of the subfamily Polysphinctinae, the weevil Bugginguyius flavus (Cetoniidae) and Argali bug (Mastophorus kempi; Cydnidae). The weevil bugs Tipulidae received significant attention in many lab studies about parasitism, and there is a significant lack of comparative research on social parasitism among the subfamily Polysphinctinae.
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