Kamasutra Malayalam Translation
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The Kamasutra is an ancient Sanskrit text containing Hindu love and tantric marriage advice. The book is composed almost two thousand years ago, and remains one of the most renowned texts on Hindu love and tantra. This is the first complete English translation of the original text of Kamasutra in its entirety.
The first complete edition of the Kamasutra. It contains a crisp introduction; the original Sanskrit; a new, accurate and readable English translation; fifty full-page illustrations using period clothing, jewelry, and settings; and a thorough index. Composed almost two thousand years ago, it is surprisingly modern in its depiction of human nature and sexual practices.
The book is simply a collection of erotic teaching and advice for men, and not for women. It also includes a dialogue between Kama and Shastra, where Shastra instructs Kama on specific ways to fulfill the desires of women. The Bengali language translation of the book is called the Raja Kamasutra. 827ec27edc