Power System Operation And Control By Sivanagaraju Pdf Free ((FREE)) Download
Power System Operation And Control By Sivanagaraju Pdf Free Download > https://urloso.com/2tdAUK
This work proposes a new PSO approach to handle the fault handling of distribution feeders with overcurrent breakers.PSO models are a group of dynamic optimization algorithms. The PSO balances between exploration, which searches for new areas of the search space, and exploitation, which tries to improve the current result in an attempt to find the global optimum. The PSO is more suited to these tasks than conventional methods because they use a probabilistic behavior for searching in the space of solutions,whereas conventional methods are highly deterministic. This approach works on the premise that faults cause the related lines to experience large losses. The model is developed by taking into account the additional line loss caused by the fault on the overcurrent breakers to be able to estimate the maximum line loss and set a threshold field for the fault detection. After fault detection, the proposed approach tracks the fault current and generates the command to deactivate/activate the breakers according to the measurement of line voltage/current. In this way, a finer control over the faulted/reactive breakers is achieved. As a result, the system restores faster to the normal conditions. Finally, the effectiveness of the developed model is compared with a traditional approach from the literature. The developed model better decouples the breakers from the system, but fails to decouple the network from a fault POLE.
This area of research uses the information obtained from real time measurement of power system parameters to design a robust estimation model to predict the state variables of a power system. In this article researchers are focusing on the power system security and power system grid monitoring.' Power system security is concerned with the generation of an effective power system, primarily for protecting the power system from ensuring the safety of the electric infrastructure, technologies and means to protect against potential threats. Power system security and grid monitoring concept is one of the fundamental problem which many researchers and utilities are in progress to address and trying to find the best methodologies. This paper has used the fault predictability index, bus voltage, phase conductance, phase conductance estimated error, and bus voltage error concept as a part of the power system security/grid monitoring. A fault prediction index is a set of statistics for fault prediction, modelled including the number of active buses, number of lost buses, number of faults on a line/system, and their location. d2c66b5586