Westell Wirespeed A90 Manual
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The graduate curriculum is designed to lead to a Ph.D. degree. Students may apply to the department for admission to the Ph.D. program. All Ph.D. degree candidates must have an appropriate B.S. or M.S. degree prior to pursuing the Ph.D. degree. For further information:
Chemical engineering deals with the chemical and physical processes for converting raw materials to valuable products. Students use principles of science, mathematics, and human physiology to solve chemical and biomedical engineering problems. Students broadly apply these principles to the analysis, design, and implementation of computer-aided and other industrial processes. Special chemical engineering programs are also available for those who wish to pursue careers as bioprocess engineers. The broad education provided by these options and special programs allows students to choose from a wide variety of careers. Many graduate in chemical engineering or chemical engineering-related fields in large corporations as well as smaller companies. The degree program also prepares qualified students for graduate study leading to the master of science or doctor of philosophy degree in chemical engineering, chemical-related engineering disciplines, and certain biomedical engineering fields.
Biomedical engineering applies engineering analysis to the analysis, design, and implementation of computer-aided and other medical processes. Students broadly apply these principles to the analysis and design of human physiology and applications of computerized biomedical systems. d2c66b5586