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EPANET is a Windows-based package that allows users to create hydrologic models and perform analyses. It can be used for many different types of water-related applications. It can calculate the flow rate, water quality, and water quantity for a systems including reservoirs, streams, and aquifers. It can compute the distribution coefficient, a numeric model of the buildup of contaminants in the body of water, based on the time that it can take a contaminant to move through the water body, and the time that the contaminant spends stuck in surface water or sediment. EPANET can also be used to model the movement and fate of nutrients in aquatic systems such as streams and estuaries. Software bugs and feature requests can be reported on the EPANET Web site as issues, and information is available for those interested in contributing to the code and/or viewing the quality assurance plans, contributor guidelines, software development roadmap, automated testing suite, and other information. EPANET can be downloaded from its Web site. The latest version of EPANET is available to download on the EPANET Web site. This new version may not include all the features available in other versions. For more information about EPANET, visit the EPANET Web site.
A ML program is a powerful and open-source software package used for modeling water distribution systems, and can be freely downloaded from the SourceForge.net site. Running the program is not so easy, a configuration file should be provided (the settings.cfg file); Besides this file two other files should be called and two lines should be added to the Settings file.
EPANET is a Windows-based open-source software (GPLv2) that includes a SED version (for sedutive use), used for modeling the flow and transport of contaminants through the sediment that fills basin basins and marshes. d2c66b5586