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The American heavy metal rock band Metallica formed in nineteen eighty-one in Los Angeles, California. Their first full-length album, "Kill 'Em All," brought new energy to the heavy metal scene when it was released in nineteen eighty-three. The group's other popular albums include "Ride the Lightning" and "Master of Puppets." The nineteen ninety-one album "Metallica" brought the band success from mainstream audiences. This album became a number one hit.
Fran Manzella is supervising the acoustic design of the studio,while the electronic design encompass both new and old recordingtechnologies. The studio, due to open this spring, will offer a vastcollection of vintage microphones, outboard gear and instruments, alongwith up-to-date digital equipment and tools. The studio will alsofeature full-service analog and digital recording and post-production,including 5.1 and 7.1 digital recording, editing, mixing and masteringservices.
Ableton Offers Free Sample DownloadsIn conjunction with M-Audio, Ableton has selected 100 samples from itsProSessions Sound and Loop Library collection that until December 30,2003, can be downloaded free of charge by registered Live users (fullretail versions of Live only). 2b1af7f3a8